Daves Bloke Poems

Out For A Run

I\'m happy you\'re in bed, all cosy and warm. 

I\'m fighting this villain out in a storm.


He\'s 7 foot tall and wearing all kind of armours. 

But suddenly, I think of you wearing pyjamas.


I imagine you\'re doing a really cute yawn.

For an oath to you and good I have sworn.

And from that image, courage is born. 


I take my dagger and lunge for their neck

Moments later, they lie dead on the deck. 

So I clean up the mess, every last speck. 


Now it\'s 6 am and you\'re up for a coffee. 

And it looks like these thugs, might just off me. 

But just as they attack, I start to remember,

How in the morning, you\'re ever so tender. 


So I bludgeon them quickly one by one. 

Just in time for you to call to say. 

\'Hey Sweetie where have you gone?\'

\'Don\'t worry Babe, I was just out for a run.\'