Ash :)

I want to be you

Small waist, Fluffy hair, Nice clothes, Beautiful Smile

When I try for these things, it just seems like there getting farther and farther by the mile


Nice voice, good friends, happy life

The more I try the more I feel up with strife

Thinking “Wow that must be nice”


Why can\'t I just be you?!

Tell me, Oh tell me, What do I have to do?


Sure you write and say how your life is a dark mess

But I don\'t care, I’d do anything to have what you have and escape from this


Fluffy short hair, Beautiful voice, Creative

Feeling like the world is telling me “Youll have any of this”


The wind blows with a icey cold chill

Your name, in my mouth like a fizzing pill

The insecurity I wish I could kill


Why can’t I learn to love the mirror?

Why do I want to be her?!



I want to learn to have fun conversations with my heart

Instead all I get is insecurity and hurt

I want to learn to love me





She’s all I ever wanted to be