
The traveler

Sweltering heat and burning sand

Stretching as far as the eye can see

Oh! Will I never see my land

Will I never from this desert, be free?


Once I scorned the hearth so warm

Once I hated the murmuring brook

Loathed the boys in the dorm

Hated to study from a book

But now I search for these in vain

Terrible’s the heat, worse the pain

How I long for Dick and Jane

How I crave for a kind look.


Now I do look coarse and uncouth

As I eye myself In a mirror in the stall

How long can I hide from myself the truth

That Mary, for me, no longer , will fall.


Forgotten faces and memories too

Rush to my mind – they are but few

I have journeyed too long – I must return home

But the ways is endless and in circles I do roam.


Deep in my heart is a craving for home

A longing to feel in my hands, the loam

And though mid pleasures and palaces I have not roamed

Yet I still long for my humble home.