
The canvas of my heart

My heart was a black canvas before you came along, 
You smeared your way through the darkness, absorbing it.
Ebbing the black away bit by bit, bringing in white and peace
The white expanse, the tranquility in your arms
Then we danced, pirrouted hand in hand on the canvas floor
I brought in purple as you twirled me in the air and you brought in yellow as you skid across the floor,
We\'d laugh for hours together,creating memories and our memories be creating rainbows on our canvas
We\'d admire and stare at length at the masterpiece that our hearts brushed together
But we left the painting idle too long,
A grey spot begin to grow on the multicolored field,
We should have weeded it when it came along ,but we let it fester
But who knew it would begin to grow faster,
All that remains is the grey now,
I etch the grey with my fingers to find patches of color beneath
It gives me hope of a better morrow with the bittersweetness of our past
Would you etch your way too?
Bringing back the colors on the canvas
Making us a masterpiece again.