matthew jay

The created, less than the Creator

I wanted to write a follow up to my last

The devil was created originally as an angel

He and his followers were cast out

He was full of pride wanting to be God

They became demons

He was created

Man was created

The earth was created

He cannot be more powerful than God

Nor is man

If a person wants to serve the devil, they can

They will share in the devils destruction in hell


The devil is NOT more powerful than God

Please do not believe his lie

Nor the lies of those who serve him

We live in a time now

Where Washington D.C. has become

A haunt

For every kind of wicked, evil and foul spirit


I have written my politicians many times

In the nutshell I have told all who would read

Who want to turn this nation from trusting in Jesus

I do not fear you

For I do not fear your master the devil


In Christ Jesus

He has no control over me anymore

Thank God