
A Bright Glimmer

The bright glimmer in their eyes when they look at you.

The adrenaline that courses through your veins when they touch your arm.

Butterflies don’t begin to describe the nervousness that fills your stomach,

as you see their warm smile.


You want to pull them in close,

but you don’t.

You simply watch the way they move, the lovely way they move their feet when their excited.

You listen to the words they say, 

allowing their every syllable to tattoo your brain forever.

You feel your legs crumble beneath you every time they move a step closer,

disappointed by their every step back.

You hear the joy in their laugh,

the most wonderful sound in the world.




As they begin to walk away,

you watch them turn back once more,

waving a final goodbye until tomorrow,

however you know they will live in your mind, 

counting down the seconds until you meet again.


They look at you and smile, 

but you watch until they’re out of sight.

The same bright glimmer,

now shining in your own eyes.