
Be still

Stand strong in your faith, and let your heart be still,

Place your troubles at Gods feet, and rid of them He will,

Be still, and let go of your transgressions,

Stop all of the hatred, it\'s a deadly obsession,

Be still, and love all of God children,

Even though it is human nature that shelters sin 

Be still and rebuke the devil and his demonic minions,

Including the wicked and selfish of opinions,

Love is of God,our bright and shining sun,

Worship and praise Him, for He is the only one,

 There\'s was none before God, and will be none after,

 He will always be here for us, giving us love and laughter,

If one thinks God doesn\'t exist,think again,

Because not believing in our Lord is surely a sin,

Rethink the choice that was made about the Lord,, before it\'s to late,

If one don\'t, then they are hellbound, and that is their fate,

God,our Father, is very patient with us,

His judgement is final,rightly and just