
A song in Silence

When the going gets tough
and the life become rough.
When the world is not interesting,
not a moment worth spending.

I close myself in my mind
trying to escape the grind.
I go down the memory lanes
where I am free from the pains.

Where my beautiful friend smiles,
welcomes with arms wide open across miles.

Fragrance of roses gets mixed up in air
eyes meet eyes and goes up the flare.

The wine of love causes elation
and mind experiences intoxication,
Just one look says it all,
she has always been so tall.

There is no need for the words
or to sound like lovebirds.
Everything is silent and still a song
which has been playing since long.

All I wish is to immerse in her beauty
and stay there till eternity,
untill the rude hand of sanity
brings me back to the reality.

Having tasted this gaiety
and been with my deity,
is an experience that I yearn
so, there again I long to return.

Tha future hangs on the cross
\'love begets love\' is not gross.
She is the muse of this rhyme
beyond all space and time