
the Super \"Super Powers\"

They never ever toe the line
But think ‘vetoing’ is just and fine
They throttle and threaten the smaller powers
Who utter weak and appealing quavers
But they are tough – these starched flowers
For are they not the \'Super Powers\'?

They divide the world into ‘Power blocs’
Are relentless and firm as mountain rocks
Their iron heels crush a thousand plans
While the overpowered do rave and rant
But, indifferent, self centred and aloof
They set out to topple the humanitarian roof

Their word is law at the UNO
Their weight around, they always throw
They pressurize, bleed and denude
They deceive, lie and delude
But care not whether the results are bad
And everyone else, at them, is mad

Self – interest is their motto and word
Proclaiming their own merits –they are always heard
They express their greed when a prize is in sight
Never care to see, whether it\'s wrong or right.
For are they not the \"Super Powers\"
Who hold and wield all the powers?