Rocky Lagou

A Letter to Whomever it Corresponds to

Dear whomever this letter corresponds to,


I see the fires from Florida

I see the uprisings from Florida

I see the repercussions occurring because of lack of humane care

And I wonder





Is this the end?


Or is this merely the beginning of what is going to be the end?

Maybe this was all conspired from a source of evil and morbidity

Maybe it wasn’t and people are just ignorant to their hostility.


Note how I say “maybe”


I’m no deity, I’m no-one retrospectively

So why would I care?

So why do I care?


Well although I am no-one

That doesn’t mean I was born to none


I begun

And I’ve outdone

Yet I still feel like “no-one”

Care for some, how about the sun?

Would you care for the sun if the sun were your son?

You never fail to stun

The battles and the guns

The trees are turning numb

Yet you still think you’ve won


Now I’m not trying to attack you

For I don’t even know who you are

But when I refer to “you”

I mean all of you


All the ones who share the same mindset

That is who I’m referring to


This is something that we all knew

Not something that was made new

But it is still true


The trees are turning a hue of gray

The trees are turning numb

Everyone is starting to decay

Everyone is turning glum


But you still think you’ve won.




Everyone other than all of you