


for Una


What a woman!

A flash of brilliance in my childhood -

flaming red hair, luminous skin,

glamorous outfits and confident

resonant voice employed at

extraordinary volume for the 1960s.


A striking Red Hot Poker

blazing above the everyday green

I picture you now

full-bodied laughing

eyes flashing, arms waving

holding court at our dining table

expressing outrageous views

fists banging - “you know I’m right” -

me at 5 or 6 hiding under the table enthralled

thinking Wow! A woman can be this strong?


Every shy girl needs a red hot power flower

- could be poker, poppy or pepper -

modelling the myriad possibilities of

live-life-to-the-full womanhood


Like a darting waxeye every visit

I sneaked beakfuls of your sweet nectar

savouring and storing it

to nurture some

red hot pepper

inside me.