
Entry #1: There Is Still Hope

**My doctor confirmed my condition, during our telephone call one


It\'s known as Peripheral Neuropathy, & it\'s nothing like I thought it

would be.

It\'s progressive & incurable, affecting my nerves in every way,

And I still can\'t fully process, that this is actually happening to me.

**Plus I cannot believe, all the torture this condition can do,

The number one thing that scares me, is that it\'s going to destroy my


Also taking my motor functions, & my sensory to feeling too,

For this is one condition, that nobody on Earth deserves.

**So now with a better understanding, that I may never be rid of this


I\'ll have to discover new ways, on how to be able to live with this &


In a sense I\'ve come to accept it, though uncertain of how it gets worse,

But as long as I keep pushing forward, I\'ll know that there\'s still\'s still hope.