


You don\'t know it\'s there 

Or where it leads 

Or where it\'s from 

Or where it starts 

Or where it ends 

It\'s only there 

Not for nothing though 

Instead it is there to hold nothing  

It is there to hold the emptiness that is nothing 

But what happens when it can\'t hold any more? 

When the void can no longer hold void? 

Where does that nothingness go? 

That\'s right child 

It goes to you 

It goes to the last physical manifestation of itself 

A human being 

But in doing so, you are no longer human 

You. Are. Void. 

You become the last hiding place for void  

And the void does not care how you feel 

Because it feels nothing 

Because it is nothing 

So it hides within you, sucking away all your morality 

All your feelings 

So it can be complete 

So you can be void 

But what happens to you? 



You become nothing 

Because the void is now you, and you are the void 

Because the void now has you hanging from a tree 




So what now? You ask 

Where do I go now? 

You don\'t know 

You can\'t know 

And you will never know 

Will I ascend to heaven, for my deeds? 

Or will a fall to my mistakes? 

You don\'t know 

So until then, you float 

Because you are the void now 


