
Soldier on a Battlefield


Soldier on a battlefield 

I am a soldier

Like a boulder

Cant be broken, until gives a good fight

I am a warrior who wants to see the next light

In the hope that it will end tonight

Wants to protect my motherland

I am a part of a big band (army or navy or air force)

There is nothing i want to yield

My only dream is to be on a battle field

Protecting my family is my way 

I will be there to provide the aid


Its time to be on the way to the ground 

Afraid, and sad to leave my families around

I saw my allies and the enemies getting swayed 

Frozed and dont want to be part of that 

Blood, bodies getting beat down

I was frozen, broken down 

Still lead the way like a soldier 

And want to save who r not the killer 


How was it they asked?

What made u stand and fight they asked?

They dont know how stressed we were

Traumatized, still on the fight 

Sad, in pain

We knew there was nothing to gain

But we fought in the hope we will see our families again

We fought and fought

Saw our friends dead bodied 

They dont know what it feels when the ones u make memories with become memories

U saw them dying and then u have to stand on them to fight again 

We fall we stand thats the life we spent


Its better to be a lover than a fighter 

Cause whole life i have been fighting

Its never be the same for me 

Cause its like i m in a dreaaaam

I always wanted to be a fighter but who knows it will take things away from me 


But thats what made me strong 

cause i am a warrior and never will be alone

I am a soldier 

Who spent his life in a battlefield 

Sometimes cant sleep and sometimes dont eat the meal

Yeah its hard but when your name is written in stories

Thats the way we should live that i believe