

   I am here for what feels like forever but in reality it’s minutes. 

I start to share my stories there is not one I have finished.
I have been gone for too long and still left unfulfilled. 

They look happy nothing is what it seems we’re all playing pretend with no idea what’s real.

Time moves way to fast way often no matter where I return I look in their eyes and feel how much was forgotten. 

Death comes to us all I look for her to ask how will I meet my maker when will I’ll sleep in my coffin. 

will I leave my mark would it even matter I blinked and suddenly time moves faster. 

Everyday I wake to my self disappointment the rest of the world shares this with me. 

My only problem is my mind though without it I’m weaker I do not seek love but the woman of my dreams is out there I fall asleep and seek her. 

Im trapped in my own mind but I wish to find my truth self this can’t be me 

I am the visitor but it’s funny because those I care for leave me. 

I cannot blame them if I could I would stray. 

People take from me for validation when surrounded its worse than  being alone I do not repeat myself there is nothing left to say.

Im only a visitor it would not be right to stay.