Robert Tilleard


It was getting dark when the young couple
Drove past  the murmuring, luring outcrop
Concealing its echoing waterfall.
The Lorelei lurking beside the Rhine,
Named for the beautiful  abandoned girl
Who saw herself in her faithless lover -
A reflection she would come to despise,
A revulsion that  became petrified
And an enticing hazard to all men.
Her fixed love for this untrue looking glass
Turned her into a bewitching danger.
Men, helpless at her self-hating  beauty
And her seducing,  whispered siren call,
Willingly crashed onto the hidden rocks.
The restless woman in the car desired
To go to the crest of the Lorelei.
The heartbroken girl, once upon a time,
Had had a vision of her lost lover.
Far below the wide and beckoning Rhine
Welcomed her plunging body. The man refused
His earnest lover’s desire to ascend.
So they agreed to go to the village,
And there, in a bright Sankt Goarshausen bar,
They, on reflection, parted forever.