
New Life With Nature.

I walk the path through the green,

The wonderful green swards of the meadow.

There ahead of me is the wood

Where the green of the leaves are seen.

The new life of Spring is here

And I walk amongst its glory,

The yellows of new life are seen

As the new flowers clothe the ground

Bringing new life into my world.

As I walk along this woodland path

The birds sing in the trees,

Their songs so intense

As they search for new life’s creation

Bringing their future into my life.

I come to the lake and sit,

Sit at its side.

The ripples of fish rising expand

And show me that life always grows,

Grows to and end.

As the ripples fade the bigger they get,

But new life is always there

And will always show me the way,

The way to live this life,

My wonderful life.