
Drops of dew.....

Our survival in this life is like

the existence of the drops of dew,

fate reaps the fleeting presence

a few shine in rainbow\'s hue.


For our emergence as humans

conscience holds the key,

giving us the right to superiority

with an equal share of responsibility.


We grow as individuals

and get merged into the society,

our thoughts merge too

and become trends in the variety.


Like rivers merge in the sea

 so do human thought streams,

everyone\'s thinking is crucial

we all cast our fears and dreams.


In this life, we depend on some

and some we trust being unaware,

let trust not be our convenience

for only a few are fair and square.

When we trust them blindly

at long last, we may bite the dust,

our dreams and hopes shatter

leading to general distrust.


We must aim to be cognizant

to judge other people with care,

small details of their behaviour

could be enough to make us aware.


Let\'s substitute reliance on others

and just be free with fortitude,

friendship, sharing and caring

should be part of our attitude.


On getting a position of authority

we must not leave gratitude,

and during the bouts of anger

peace should be our attitude.


We must stay honest

even in times of strife,

for honesty will support us

even in the afterlife.


Whatever is our position

we must aim to shine,

the dewdrops which may evaporate

but still, glitter on cloud nine.