
Life is....

Life is a garland of roses

Life is a wreath of thorns

Life takes on variegated  poses

Life is a bull’s sharp horns.


Life is the glow of love-light

Life is the death of sorrow

Life is dispelling the darkness of night

Life is a wait for tomorrow.


Life is the lash of a whip

Life is the antics of a clown

Life is the sway of a hip

Life is the intensity of a frown.


Life is the sacrifice of a wife

Life is the come-hither look of a girl

Life is that in which pain is rife

Or it’s the beauty of a pearl.


So, what is LIFE

Which is piercing as a knife

Is full of envy and strife

Is possessed by the living, discarded by the dead

What is the concept you have in your head ?????