
October 2018 Besieged By Fruit Flies

Poet of Perkiomen Valley

discovered aforementioned titled poem
about thirty months ago he wrote

impossible mission critters to smote

chronic issue yours truly does note

years later meaning today
April 19th, 2022

necessitated we allow, enable

and provide welcome to exterminator
actually management did hote
(obsolete) To command; to enjoin

hazard upon body, mind and spirit,

thus ridding apartment b44

visited by said swarming insects,

his expertise sought to mitigate

courtesy applying insecticide.


Insects created dark shadows
analogous brought outer limits

of twilight zone

resembling edge of night
in truth our one bedroom apartment

at that earlier date
affected, encroached, and outsmarted

by massive infestation of
Drosophila melanogaster light
weight winged worst

pests to eradicate

(scientific name regarding
winged flitting nuisance ignite
mentioned in title) besieged,
inundated, and thickly swarm.

dost primp and pretty
fie themselves (to
attract a witty
mate) during their
40 to 50 days city,
or suburban life
cycle long enough
to qualify for this

quickly written ditty

seemingly overnight
a bajillion biz zee
buzzing adults (each
about 1/8 inch long see
their world wide web,
thru at least one
unusual red eye,

which compound eye
of the fruit fly
contains 760 unit
eyes or ommatidia, well nigh
hapt tubby one of the most
advanced among insects,
where Google search

for home remedies aye
didst find to exterminate
these teeny weeny pests,
plus informational pursuit my
instantaneous curiosity yielded
above mentioned
esoteric tidbits,
sans accidentally disc

covered helpful good riddance
material of household ingredients
restraining me to breathe sigh
of dollop, and hope to try

one or more solutions,
which informed
this amateur entomologist -

listed forthright as:

1. Create a trap by mixing
apple cider vinegar
with a few drops of dish soap.
2. Another homemade trap is to
pour leftover red wine into a jar.
3. Mash up banana slices in a jar, and
cover top with a plastic wrap.
4. Pour bleach solution
into bathroom sink.

5. Detonate atomic explosives

as a last resort.