
The devil is him

Your parents will tell you the dangers of strangers. Stories about monsters among men even. Your friends will tell you tales of demons and the devil, telling you ways of how to summon them. No one will tell you about him though. They won\'t tell you about his honey brown eyes, and how they’ll make you feel like you’re looking at a thousand stars. They won\'t tell you about how his hugs will become your home. How, even though there are seven billion people, this is then the only attention you’ll crave. He will text you ‘goodnight’, he will come to your house to see you at two in the morning just because you told him you felt alone. Don\'t fall for it. It is all a trick. He knows what he\'s doing and you’re foolish if you believe you’re the only girl. Maybe, you are the only girl, just not in the way you want to be. You’re the only girl that will stay no matter what because you are blind. You are blind to the way he hides his phone from you. You are blind to the fact that his parents do not even know your name.You are blind to how he ignores you in the school halls. You will have your moment of awakening. But only at the end. Only, when you find yourself struggling to eat because you want to look like the girls he follows. Only, when you’ve cried so much you find yourself vomiting. Only, when you feel like you’ve lost everything, because maybe you have. He knows that. He knows that in the short time that you two were together, he made himself your everything. He knows of every missed opportunity, and every friendship that ended because of him. Don\'t lie to yourself, you know that he knows. Whether that breaks your heart or not, it\'s the truth. He won\'t hurt the way you will. He knows you’re replaceable. But to you, he won\'t be. He will treat you in a way that no other boy will. But he will break you, like no other boy will. He will destroy you,I’m sure of that. He gets to move on in the end. You don\'t. He gets to sleep soundly at night. You don\'t. You will reply every time he told you he loved you in your mind, and what will hurt the most is that you will know he never meant it. Any of it really. You were simply entertainment. A body. An object. Something to use and throw away when he got bored. You will feel worthlessness, empty, a shell of something that was once filled with joy and bright light. You will lose something, that was never really yours to begin with. This is scarier than men in white vans with candy. Or the man that follows you around the grocery store. This is a person who thrives on manipulating people like you. Hurting, people like you. He gets to get away with it. He is a creature, one that is unable to love. To have sympathy. To care. The entire time, he was just digging your grave. The worst part is, you’d take him back if you had the chance. To be able to hug him one more time. To hear his voice tell you that he loves you again. That\'s what made you feel whole after feeling so alone for the longest time. And you lost it. It\'s not until you can\'t take it anymore, and you’re on your last moments of breathing, you get to see him one last time. But this time? You see him for who he is. The Devil.