
Contemplate with insights deep..........

When my eyes met yours

there was an air of familiarity,

it pumped up my heartbeat

you alone have that quality.


Anything out of the way

also becomes my favourite play

I can walk extra miles

thinking about you every day.


To make you feel happy,

I expressed my feelings forthright,

it is natural to attract love

for someone happy and bright.


To sing along with the blues

my heart is not willing and free,

thinking about you lights up my mind

and then I can\'t hide my glee.


The inspiration is not vague

it has been quite clear

I have nothing to complain

to you ever, my dear.


Just appreciate the aesthetics

of our interactions that revell,

planetary emotional and intellectual

and beyond that at the spiritual level.


I wish you could say something

something lovely and kind,

something magnificent about us

that will soothe my mind.


The helix of fearful thought

could weave an endless spool,

invariably down-beating us

into a fathomless whirlpool.


I have mustered my grit

despite the prevailing odds,

for an intimate persuasion

I need the blessings of the gods.


Frozen are the spreads of mind

slowly flows the river of time,

you do inspire me to accomplish

and invariably the pleasure is mine.


If you still feel so much pride

something not good to keep,

please hold that mundane instinct

and contemplate with insights deep.