
I believe that Love is immortal.....

Came across some happy faces

who had found a fairy stone,

felt happy, heard them singing

as they dispersed around brimming.


Happiness is contiguous,

I too aspired to be happy.

proverbially if wishes were horses,

I too could’ve found some sources.


I trust the cosmic divinity

and prayed to the trinity,

destiny smiled at my tenacity

by sending an exquisite beauty.


She was pretty, sensitive, and happy,

Independent, adventurous femininity.

I thought I\'d found who is mine

and my life too will now shine.


I could appreciate her smile from far,

she was bright and beautiful as a star,

I sent her a poem abounding in love,

that made her retract back in her cove.


Strange is the play of destiny,

a stone could turn into a fairy for some.

For me, my venus was now in stone,

It made me feel remorseful as she was gone.


Not that she was insensitive to me,

her nature was absolutely fine.

to face love some people are shy,

a past hurt maybe, that\'s why?


Once my heart was smitten,

with love at the first moment.

To reach her heart I took the gamble,

with whatever tenacity I could scramble.


Now I stare at the fate,

still fighting for my date.

I\'ve always been so straight,

to pursue this joy, that\'s great.


In life, love needs to be an objective,

to make it more fulfilling and active.

Experiences can make us wise,

in love, there is no second prize.


Love offers us an enchanting life,

beauty, splendour and grace so rife,

to make amends there is hope,

we will always have some scope.


Sadness is a fathomless abyss,

seeking logical anchors subsurface.

Though I prefer what is logical,

still, I believe that love is immoral.