Pearcemelville 兎敏

Bungalow Doun


BungalowDoun  曽達    


Sitting on a Thailand beach
Three days now I am ready to leave
Chatting with Thai youth same age as I
One invites me to stay with him and his wife
Cross to the island  his Home
Welcome welcome to 


Next day he says must buy 
A 3hour trip on his small
pointed boat 
Too rough too rough  kills the engine  What to do?
Your Boat your Sea  as Skipper this Decision is up to you
He thinks then sparks the engine
Our destination  a faint outline on the Horizon


Mangrove  thick mangrove forest
Creek narrow  narrowing 
Until a jetty  We come to rest 
No charcoal  sold all charcoal sold 
I think this reply is already known

For we mount one Scooter
Head off in search of a Rooster
cockfight fightingcocks he buys one for me to hold 
onto as we return Scooter 
  begin our journey Home


Hot afternoon  Thailand sun
motor drones  drift into sleep
Doun fashions a shaded patch for the Rooster between seats
He asks if I would like to steer his boat  shifts his body over
Thank you Doun yesplease
I grip the rudder  Just keep the sun over your Shoulder

His wife is not impressed
No charcoal but Baht outlaid on a fighting cock no less
She cooks dinner over coals 
Squid fried with pineapple
I finish my whole bowl!


Newly weds  both nineteen
A house that Parents purposed just for them  
In this village I could see that they were Happy
His uncle in a simple hut beside a sandune by the sea 


Thank you for my stay with you  experiences I shall cherish
The making of the coconut oil
The preparation of Fish Drawing water with a pail 
and rope with which to bathe
What is that?  A frog I hear 
Croaking for a mate


I leave today  had a lovely stay
  I bid you well
{I gave to them more money than I would have paid at a Hotel}
Catch a bus to Bangkok then a jet to Kathmandu

I will never forget Thailand