A Boy With Roses

Love and Death

At night I see visions of how it used to be, frozen in starlight, visions of life at a standstill, visions of myself carelessly unwinding. I see visions of her on the bridge, tossed from the blue pelts and waxy cocoon of sanity. I think of life delicately placed in a time capsule tied with a ribbon, playing over and over like a favourite movie. I think of everything we\'ve done together, how our movements mirrored each other, how we used to get high just to escape the torture of living. The thoughts we shared died in that hopeless garden, with romantic thoughts of death like a Guelder rose. We never did get to fix ourselves. Wine splashed on our clothes and stained the floors we danced on. I think of them like hearts and doves, the memories I keep close, how you smiled when my intentions were pure, how the sunlight shined on us.