
People n circumstances

In times unclear, dark and seemingly unjust,
one reaches out to the known, and the unknown

the times so rough,
where a single deed of help could 
be like moving mountains from the path,
where a single word of motivation could bring solace,
like dew drop to a throat parched


In these times
some acquaintances just shy away and ignore 
make you feel - were they worth you...
or rather were you worth them...
it remains to fathom.


Yet others provide some motivation,
thats a level above the first,
still someone who cares and have feelings deeper


Then, yes some acquaintances help and do stick to you,
those hearts are precious, unflinching and pure,
those are the ones of real worth


And yet there are others - the unknown that suddenly help,
and the mind wonders, who are they,
where do they come from, why help me?
Are they divinity?