

I used to feel a war within myself.

I couldn\'t find my home.

I felt so nomadic.

Making a home everywhere.

Blending in everywhere.

A foreigner of many lands.

Even my dna supports this.

Never enough to call it home.

Always detaching once I felt called away.

So image how it felt to find it.

Then have it taken away.

The feeling so foreign.

Being called back over and over.

But resisting the urge.

Fearful the home is foreign now.

Lands change over time.

It\'s a fact time waits for no one.

Thinking I could replicate it.

Never feeling right.

It\'s not the home I want.

It\'s not the home I felt tied to.

Time never changed the longing.

Time never changed the fear.

Bottom line fate can be cruel.

So now I travel the ocean.

One with the water.

Right between my home and I.

Finding peace in the stillness.