Saxon Crow

To Snail

Oh slippery slow coach

Of the garden jungle

Who roams

Wherever you please

You nomad 

With your aureole home

You define 

What it is to be free

Travelling along

At a pace of your choosing

No cares 

Except for one

Forever alert

For the hungry bird

Who would 

Gobble you down

To its tum

Oh slimey drifter

Destroyer of veggies

You are loathed

For the food that you eat

Leaving a hole

Wherever you go

On the leaves 

Of your lovely green feast

Oh trailblazing traveller

With your protuberant eyes

Telescopic to the point of confusion

What do you see when you look at me

When I gaze down at you in my musings?

Oh cochela! Most ancient gastropod

You\'ve been here for aeons and aeons

But to me you will be

The sailor of green seas

The pirate, the adventurer 

The seeker

So to you humble snail

This poem is yours

A Tribute to magnificent you

And I\'d just like to say

That I love your ways

And all of your funky moves