
Entry #3: Keep On Fighting

**The worst part of Neuropathy, which I despise so very much,

It\'s when this horrific pain, doesn\'t seem to ever give me a break.

And all throughout my legs and feet, I start bawling from the slightest touch,

It\'s just gotten to the point, to where it\'s too intolerable to take.


**Plus I\'ve accepted the harsh realization, of the fact there is no cure,

Both physically and mentally, I\'m still trying to get myself prepared.

And ever since my first diagnosis, it\'s gotten worse & impossible to endure,

Because not knowing the final outcome, I can truthfully admit I\'m scared.


**So no matter what the outcome turns out to be,

I\'ll continue taking it slowly, as I\'ve done day after day.

Thanks to all the loving support that\'s now surrounded me,

I will keep on fighting this, despite any obstacle that come my way.