
The breaking dawn

When the sun is still sleeping high 

the clouds wrapped in blanket of stars

the moon playing with dark grey clouds

stars in their realm of shining out 


about midnight 

when the world sleeps tight 

those dreams keep you awake


when the world rests

you shall grab a cup of coffee at late

watching the sky 

you wish good morning early at night 


watching the breaking of dawn at midnight 

the moon wanes 

sets off alarm late

calls off the warm sun 

come its your time

“ I partied enough this time” 

taking back its starry friends

calling its breaking dawn instead


that table with books to surround

the smell of incense, to calm the mind

a meditation to, grab hold of running mind

a planner to, stick to rules

calling the day productive as it holds


writing the letters in black on white 

you settle over a resolution of childhood times


don’t betray your heart 

tell what you do, you love to do 

lets witness the change


make the beds 

draw up curtains of laziness ahead

its going to be a great start 

like a cup of tea

Filled up aroma of dreams 

a toast of loaf

to fill your hunger


 charge up the day 

with bowl of flakes

it’s definitely gonna be a great day ahead…