
Children\'s Moments.

We were sitting in the coffee house,

My wife and I, drinking and chatting,

Something we do two of three times a week.

Looking out the window, into the garden centre,

We saw him, this very young boy

Holding onto to his Granddads hand.

Running and jumping in the rain,

Just a tee shirt, shorts,

And black wellies.

The laughter on his face was a joy,

Lost in absolute enjoyment of the moment.

Moments later came a little girl,

Following her Mum.

The girl had yellow wellies,

And was holding a large umbrella over her,

But the look on her face seemed to say,

I really don’t want to be here.

To me this summed up life;

Some enjoy each moment as it happens,

Others see no pleasure in the moment

And want to move on,

Move on to what?

Each moment in our lives is special,

Enjoy each and every one of them.