
The Virus Blues

The world was stunned by the pandemic

by the spread of an infective virus,

at peril were the smiles we cherished

and the life that we jointly nourished.


Restrictions lockdowns everywhere

situations that need empathy and care,

relationships came under undue stress

choked emotions I sought to express.


A fleeting thought flashed in my mind

Felt  like a divine inspiration of a kind,

I felt happy to proceed with the cause

to express myself without a pause.


From one of the prettiest faces

I stole the smiles she graces

the dearest thing in my memory

kept it safe in my treasury.


I too suffered the virus infection

it was like a rollercoaster in action.

Those smiles in my mind came alive

and probably helped me survive.


Conscience lowers my head in shame

take the smiles back same to same

Hope you will wear them more often,

that should also make your stand soften.