M. Evermore


Tell me a story


Distract me from


Let me lose myself,

Lose sense of time

Make me forget myself,

Forget rhythm and rhyme

I want to forget that the earth moves,

How things are always changing

How people have expectations

How I must keep on living

Like I don’t have a mind,

An opinion,

A choice

I want to emerge a heroine,

A villain,

Someone, something else

Besides myself

How dreary this life is

How simply-


I cannot abide it

I cannot allow it

What must I do to live the life my heroes do?

Please, get me away

Call me antisocial

Call me a loner

(Although none of that is true)

But I enjoy my stories

My books,

My tethers,

My hopes,

My escapades

They give me a reason

To hope

And dream

And laugh

So whatever to those that look down,

To those who do not understand

They will never understand,

The way that stories light up your mind,

Cause you to dream and think and try

They cause you to feel,

Which is a curse in and of itself

Sometimes you’ll find yourself crying

Because that was not the way it was meant to go!

And it hurts, it truly does

But it makes you feel,

And in this world,

That\'s all that matters

So leave me be

Leave me to my stories

And I’ll you to your parties

And gossip

And embarrassments

And shame

So, leave me to my stories

And I’ll leave you all alone

And I shall be happy here

In this nook, all alone

Save for the book in hand

Which, for now,

I’ll call home