Carole Slattery

The Trumpster\'s Tale




This tale is about the Trumpster,

The man with the golden hair,

That lights his path of destruction

With corruption and despair.


I now realize that his goal

Was to steal votes for a coup,

It\'s me, me, me, what\'s mine is mine,

And what is yours is mine, too!


All Trump wants is prestige and fame,

Power and praise and more dough,

But what he needs is his hair dye,

And thousands of votes from Joe.


Now, if you think this is crazy,

Just contemplate what\'s at stake;

If just one man can steal our votes,

Our democracy is fake.


We tout our system \'round the world,

Praising our democracy,

Yet pledge allegiance to a man

Whose goal is autocracy?


Trump has fooled so many with lies,

He\'s now the king of his clan,

But we must be wary of him-

He has a devious plan.


It started on January six,

In two-thousand twenty-one,

When hundreds breached the Capitol,

Because Trump said, he had won!


Now that was just a great, big lie,

And all of the courts agreed,

But that made no difference to Trump-

He had no plans to concede.


Trump told his minions they must fight

To overturn the election,

He\'d meet them at the Capitol

To start his insurrection.


But he didn\'t do as promised

When he said he\'d meet them there,

Mr. Trump never did show up;

I presume he didn\'t care.


Of course, he couldn\'t tell the truth

Why his sycophants were there,

Maybe he was way too busy

Dyeing his fake, golden hair.


Maybe he was stuffing his face,

(He packs a lot on that frame!),

Perhaps he was figuring out

How he would transfer the blame.  


But I bet that he was nervous,

And this may be the reason,

That everyone would realize

He was committing treason!


January sixth was the day

That a seething, angry mob,

Barged their way through the Capitol,

All for the votes they would rob.


Smashing windows, breaking down doors,

We watched as this frenzied gang

Attempted to locate the ones

That they were planning to hang.


They even put up a gallows

Inside the Capitol\'s fence,

And they were setting up a  noose

To hang Vice President Pence.


Fascist violence intensified

As delusions took a toll,

While many were trampled and crushed,

And one was gored by a flag pole!

We watched this horror show play out,

Violence was on the rise,

Some cops were dragged and then trampled

As the tear gas scorched their eyes.


Some tried to get in touch with Trump,

Thinking he\'d know what to do,

But he was hiding out somewhere,

Enjoying his fascist coup!


Trump\'s exposing himself each day,

And yet his sycophants thrive

On every word he utters,

And go where his demons dive.


Yet followers still won\'t admit

Who had joined the coup that day,

Trump said that it was just tourists,

And not terrorists at play.


I\'d like to ask Trump a question,

We would play a little game;

The words terrorist and tourist,

Do you think they mean the same?


Now, if Trump would say that they do,

I would be a bit wary,

And I would highly recommend

He gets a dictionary.


And some say Biden is senile?   

At least he knows common words,

Like add, subtract, and win and lose,

And Trump\'s beating him is absurd.


Oops, I\'m wrong! Trump knows the word count,

He counted on everyone,

To make Biden\'s votes disappear,

So it looked like HE had won.


Who called up Georgia in a huff

To swindle thousands of votes?

It was Trumpster, the \"Big Lie Guy,\"

Who belted out those sour notes.


Quite clever, except for one thing,

The \"Supremes\" had to agree,

They couldn\'t find any reason

To grant his criminal plea.


I think Biden has quite a case

Against Trump and \"vote digging,\"

That is shameful and illegal,



Mr. Trump, it\'s time to concede,

You are acting like a fool,

I saw you holding a bible-

Just follow the Golden Rule!