
It took you.

It creeps into your life like a sneaky child, it leaves a mess but never makes a sound.
It takes away everything you love with a destructive path like a tornado, leaving reminisces of what was. 
It took you away from me almost like death, cold and without remorse. 
It wrapped its arms around you to give you false comfort. 
It whispers sweet nothings about how no one cares for you or loves you.
It pulled at the strings in your brain and manipulated you into believing the worse, even about yourself.
What I\'d do to tell people how good you\'re doing when they ask.
What I\'d do to keep your kids from the pain our dad gave to us.
What I\'d do to change it all.
I just wish it would release that titan grip it has on you.
My dear sister you are loved, you are worthy, you are.....
Better than this
I miss you.