
Let Me

Let me

feel the warm sunshine

and the cool raindrops

on my face...

Let me 

feel the soft breeze 

that plays with the 

tendrils of my hair...

Let me

lose myself amongst

the cotton clouds,

fly with the birds

and the butterflies...

Let me

walk under the

green canopy of trees

that line the sidewalk,

feel the soft petals

of the flowers 

as they rain down... 

Let me 

curl my toes 

on the damp sand 

kissed by the

endless waves

Let me

stand on

top of the mountain

with the valley spread 

all around me 

like a beautiful painting...

Let me

walk on the

dew soaked grass,

amongst the flowers 

fragrant with

the night rain...

Let me lose myself

in the music of

the early morning birds,

in the flutter of their wings...

Let me 

adorn myself

with the crystal stars

hear the 

whisper of sunlight 

as it falls

through my window.

Let me 

lose myself in nature,

in the beauty

all around me,

for without nature

there\'s no me.