
 first expressage

 first expressage


I was the first to have EMS ever, you know

And it was run by my father, 40 year ago

That was back in my boarding school day

far From home fifteen kilometers away

Ten girls to a room with a common bed

Hosts of lice fed on us, but we on water&bread

Once my mother had some goodies cooked

My dad had the take-away delivered right away

On his creaky old bike 15 kilos at a sit, so that

I had it at noon just for lunch without delay

Wrapped in layers of towels to keep it warm

Fried meat brown with garlic shoots green

On top of a large bowl of steamed rice

But he had no time to watch me devour

Had to go back to work in half an hour


That has been my favorite dish ever since

today I cook the same as my mother did

And knocked at my daughter’s room

“you help yourself. I’m on diet.” comes out

Like a phone message, no face showing up

 Why love was in EMS in days of scarcity

But now a time of plenty no way to relay?