

Why is it always a river?

Water so calm

In a rowboat 

But no one is rowing

Gently passing the banks

Lined with blooming willows

The light breeze grazes my skin

Death sits next to me

Cold boney arm around me

He is nothing to be feared

He offers comfort and solace

Diagonal sits my grandfather 

Scowl has softened 

He\'s old, yet somehow youthful 

He offers a sympathetic smile 

\"You\'d better get the thought 

Of suicide off your mind, little girl.\"

How does he know?

\"You can try all you want 

But you WILL wake up again.

You have work to do first.\"

Beside him, a woman nods 

Hair gray and frizzy

Separated into two ponytails

Thick glasses cover half of her face

She is unfamiliar 

Why is she part of this intervention?

She plays an important role,

I\'m just unsure how

\"Some have a fire inside them

Just waiting to be ignited 

You, my child, have a damn hurricane.

USE it!\"

Thousands of questions 

Bounce and collide in my head

All i can manage to squeak out is 

\"Can you be more specific?\"

Her serious expression does not change 

Death\'s face cannot be read

As it is veiled by the dark hood 

Grandpa chuckled and replied 


Before anything else could be said 

Im back in my room 

Laying in bed with a cold sweat.