A.B. Jakobs

Deep Within Mountains

I would normally pray, but my faith has succumb to ruin

At my sight of what the universe had been freakishly a-brewin’

In a coal mine we had worked and toiled away 

When a howling scream tore through the shaft

Upon its horrible sound I abandoned my craft

And followed a sound I could never truly convey

Just as ghoulish thoughts beckoned me thither 

The sound drawing near sending me a-dither

From the dark an erratic shadow of my colleague ran by 

From whence he frantically ran purple shimmer I could descry

I plodded towards its resplendent allure

And came to a chamber which my colleague had met

There lied a chasm of light in an awe so pure

Peeking down its maw my senses were beset  

A thousand horrors starred through my being 

By the amalgamated terror of which I was seeing  

A frisson of fear so ineffable took ahold

When I met with something my god never foretold

