
Love is not an emotion...

Everything in this world
happens for a reason,
sometimes it is random
sometimes there is a season.

I strongly feel that
love is not an emotion,
emotions last for a short time
love may transcend a lifetime.

So I prefer to call love
as an entanglement of souls,
the heart is just a mirror
playing one of its many roles.

One may get entangled
not feeling its appearance,
it could be a past life inheritance
playing out even without a preference.

The soul feels the vibration
and tunes into the coherence,
the heart beats for someone
doling out the deference.

Sometimes few things
are just beyond our reach,
it may not be always wise
to follow what they preach.

If you have a heart
and you can feel its jive,
you can remain assured
that your soul is alive.