
Chain Reaction

Chained Mother


(In a  cellar of a country villager’s house there was a women held by a chain  round her neck, almost naked even in sheer winter, in a state of trance, who bore and gave birth to eight children for the guy who bought her from some kidnappers... found out in modern China in 2022 AD!)


Do we not saddle the horse and harness the camel?

Do we not milk the cow and yoke the farm cattle?

Do we not for eggs and meat cage the chicken?

    Do we not slaughter hogs and lambs for meat?

As if there has never been scalp-hunters

As if we’ve been vegans, never carnivore flesh-eaters

AS IF we have  stopped slave trafficking for long

As if we never Abducted and raped women and children

As if there are never fettered prisoners in dungeons

It’s been the human practice throughout history

What is the harm? And whence the fuss in media

To find a woman chained in custody for childbearing?



Just suppose they are beasts , all the same

Assume they are unfeeling, beaten and tame

God never overburden his creatures

They would lose mind or die of torture

What is liberty? who invented it? why the cackle

Just because a woman is found chain-cooped?


Is tyranny only found with absolute power?

Yet this impoverished man rapes and a rives an innocent

Where do education and civilization come in?

This illiterate held a collegeate for sex slave for ten years

What raised the hell is the whole village as a gang

Who helped keep the watch-out of the captive for him

Their sympathy is with the man instead of the victim

If he did not buy the girl cheap from an abductor

He will remain single and heirless for life long

Now he has got eight children, all ignorant as he is

The irony is, at a time of strict one-child mandate

A  miracle how and what he raised them up to

A bunch of cooped  chicken or wild beasts?

But how can they be compared to beasts?

Even beasts and birds know love and court sweetly

How lower and lesser being than brutals

Not to have conscience, nor sense, nor shame


Yet it is a shame to the local government and cadres

To have poverty and sex-abuse amid an affluent society

The reporter was admonished by police, the story withdrawn

And wave after wave of news about the relapse of Pandemic

Washed the tragedy from headline to bottom

Where it lies docile , like the chained mother, for life.