Luna Nera

The Coven


night women

magic and light

augury of covenants

the continuum of omens

south edge of Jezreel Valley

with perfumes of idolatrous fire

marking equidistant the passages

of an illusionist time’s mortality

left primordial in the essence of Endor

sisterhood at the four cardinal points

blessed manifesto past nomadic expression

come to life! come to life! come to life!

once again under the awakening moon

found in traces of water at the sea of Galilee

buried in the depths of a bloodied earth

death rebirthing sifted by Gaia’s sagacity

raven healers of the moon’s legacy

past, present, and future encircling’s

in sacred obsidian scryings

bathed in timeless scents

smudged and sealed

encrypted amulets


By Agatha ©2022