
Mixed emotions

My heart wants him 

my brain reminds me of her 

how could my feelings be so bright and yet so dim 

If only my relationship with she was a blur 

i wish that I could say I’ve healed 

That I didn’t think about it 

i know my feelings for her are sealed 

she makes me sick 

still she reminds me of a time that I truly did enjoy 

It was from the love I had 

not cause of her games of coy 

she didn’t make me glad 

He makes me smile 

Causes me to laugh 

it feels like im spinning similar to a dial 

he knows me so well it’s like we are of the same half 
my heart flutters for him as if It was a hummingbirds wings 

With him I do feel so happy 

Our love could never sting

I want something with him

I just don’t want it to end up like how it did with her