
to strive..

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield
To show your various talents in each and every field
To try and try again even if you fail
To never turn pale or let your spirits quail

The pinnacle of success may still be hard to reach
It may even be harder to practice what they preach
But its better late than never, so start working now
If you don’t know the ‘why’ and yet know the ‘how’

Do not let obstacles mar your progress
Do not be afraid that you may stain your dress
If you try to preserve the shine in your shoes
You will never get money to pay all your dues

To find your way around, even if it is dark
To be cheerful and happy like the morning lark
To achieve your goal, heedless of the odds
To be much inspired by the slightest of nods…

To join with another, in sorrow or in fun
To help him always to lighten his burden
Will help you cross the seas, vast though they be
And teach you to forsake ‘I’, and always say ‘we’

To tread the hard path where gusts of winds blow
To fear not man, be he friend or foe
To be firm in your words and in your deeds too
Will make a real man out of me and you

So remember to keep success in your sight
And scale, with zest, the formidable heights
For nothing’s hard to do, if you have got the might
To pierce the darkness, and go towards the light.