

I woke up again today. Some say that’s a blessing. I say it’s a curse.

Another day of nothingness.

Another day laying in bed staring at the ceiling.

Another day fighting  with the demons in my head.

Some may look at me and think I’m strong or brave. I look at myself and see nothing. I see a worthless bum who cant get out of bed.

Can’t find a job.

Can’t lose weight.

Can’t keep friends.

Can’t do anything.

I wake up everyday wishing this pathetic life of mine would end. But I wake up and live another day for the others. Not for me. I don’t see a light at the end of this ugly ass tunnel but a lot do. So I wake up another day. I wake up and fight for my damn life to stay alive. Even if it’s the hardest thing I have to do. I’ll do it for them.