
Heal my Malady

Many people in this world

worthy of becoming a partner,

some may even be better

but she is the one I prefer.


Many of them look pretty

some have better health,

some are just glam dolls

with beauty as their wealth.


 She is intelligent and bright

her sight makes my day,

adventurous, forthright and gay

she is unique in every way.


I feel as if I am complete

just by feeling her existence,

her being there is good enough

I don’t care for the distance.


 It seems like her aloofness,

causes a tinge in my heart,

with her denial of the feelings

a part of me just falls apart.


I‘ve familiar with this feeling

acting as a rare concoction,

I know it\'s killing me softly

but it seems I have no option.


She can heel my malady

with her sweet voice,

wish I could find a cure

but it seems I\'ve no choice.


All this is out of my hands

fate is like shifting sands

wish I could make everything right

by just waving a magic wand.


To enrich the mundane lives

hurdles yield the experience.

A positive outlook is all we need

through strife, to be victorious.