

What\'s that sound?
Is it my heart pounding vibration!? 
Shivering with terror
Full of apprehension

I sit down trying to calm down 
But then I paralyze myself by overthinking 
Have I already drowned? 
My eyes are only twitching 

Accompanied by uneasiness
Shouting with fear
Feeling of queasiness 
Yelling with tears

Darkness are overwhelming
But combined with extreme terror is shit
I feel like I\'m choking
I swear I\'ll quit

Worrying and terrified with everything 
Extreme fright and nail biting 
Nobody understands the reasons for this 
You will know if you go through fighting 

Battle war with my emotions!? 
Feeling overly drained and exhausted 
They\'re called horrific demons
Coz deep down, I\'m always haunted