

autumn breaths of sweet fog

brown leaves deceptively framing our misery 

worn-out cardigans and forgotten kisses engraved on coffee caps


Dirt collecting on my shoes 

Fizzy strands of blond hair 

Paper thin skin covered in layers of doubt

yet forced smiles with crooked teeth and lifeless eyes


Never have I envied a living creature

Never have I craved anything swallow nor admiring 

But as I look at the yellow and scarlet and brown and maroon trees I wish to become a root 

and bury myself into a lifetime of immortality 

do you wish to stay with me, mud covering your eyes and mouth, shortening your breath? 

we might as well lay together and be tightened around this grip for ages to come 

Tell me, will you stay? 

To live and grow around you 

To wither and die in your arms