
My Pain

My Pain


Now that I’m feeling cold and alone,

It dawned on me that I never wrote you a poem,

After two and a half years, there is so much to say.

So much to cry for, to beg for and pray,

When we started out I wasn’t quite sure,

If you were the one,

That could make me feel more.

I knew you were innocent, I knew you were young.

I knew you were beautiful, I knew you were fun.


You knew I had problems, you knew I was fat.

But you took a chance, and I thank you for that.

As time went on we grew together.

I really thought it would last forever.

But growing together doesn’t make it easy,

It only makes it harder to please you and please me.

We got too comfortable and maybe I’m boring,

I’m sorry I’m not perfect, I can’t help my snoring.


I can buy you earplugs and a bag of Dorito’s,

We can talk about the week we spent in Puerto Rico.

We can talk about that trip we took with Jean to the airport,

The Yelling and Fighting was all worth it for Sport.

It just sucks that we’re no longer together,

No more picnics, No more holidays,

No more Laughter.



I guess this doesn’t matter anymore,

My tears are welling up and they’re about to pour,

I miss you so much and it’s only been a few hours.

I don’t know what to do, I have no money for Flowers.

I don’t want you to ever feel this hurt,

Even if I’m angry, confused and feeling like dirt.

I want the best for you because you were my lady,

You were my life, you were my baby.



I have to go now, I’ll leave you alone,

I just figured I’d finally write you that poem.


Louis J. Gomez.