
Oxygen Thief

I’m alone in this place…

A place where beauty comes to die.

I needed you like air… you were my oxygen

Instead you came in like a thief

You broke my heart, took my soul and captured every thought in my mind

I was never more consumed to the point of destruction.


I had to put myself back together after the onslaught of complete and total annihilation. I’m sorry you can’t understand it, since you were the cause.

But I have come to know my pain is not your responsibility.

So, I dismiss those thoughts and bare the brunt of my own emotional burden.


What we had didn’t work out for a reason.

Who truly knows why.

Maybe God, maybe the universe.. maybe you, maybe I.

If a test, maybe we passed, but surely feels like we failed.

I don’t expect to know why.

I offered all I had, with no more to give I knew it still wasn’t enough.

What you needed from me wasn’t fair and always more than I had to offer.

The show of your affection was more painful than the false claims that it was all up to me… when all along you already knew you wouldn’t give yourself to me.


That is the the truth of our demise and utter decay. Fortunately, my heart can’t break… it’s already broken, and I laugh.

I laugh at the sheer devastation of it all… the tears that prick my eyes

And the breath that’s threatened to be taken away.

The joke of this conversation

That it ever took place

And the cruel poem left in its place

Of a broken-heart that refuses to splinter again.


Sweet dreams, Darling

Enjoy the warmth of your soft bed on this cold, cold night.